

bike cruiser

Malet Thibaut

For my memento, I chose one of my happiest memories. One summer, my dad and I always rode our bikes together; whether it was to exercise, run an errand, or even to get out of the house for a bit. He helped me conquer my fear of riding my bike on busy roads, and even over steep hills. The best times were when we would ride our bikes to get smoothies. We would sit on the bench outside of the smoothie place and talk for hours. I told my dad everything; we were very close.
The materials I used for this memento were balsa wood, rubber bands, and hot glue. I cut out multiple little circles out of the balsa wood, all the same size. Then, I stabbed little holes into them with an Xacto knife, to create roughness to represent the bumpy roads we would ride our bikes on. I glued the circles together, and then wrapped rubber bands around them. These represent the rubber tires of our bikes. The yellow color also signifies the color of my bike.


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